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AMARE é una parola Italiana che significa "amare qualcuno" ma se guardi meglio anche puoi scoprire la parola MARE nella.
Per questo si puó dire:
Il titolo della collezione ed gli abiti hanno questa metafora e destinazioni marini Italiani sulla ispirazione.
Motivo che evoca le onde • Unici stringhe di tulle color mare dipinte a mano • Abiti d'oro, d'argento e turchese che riflettono la scintillante luce del sole del mare • Abito a sirena a macramé annodato con motivo a rete • Vestito maxi decorata con animali marini in micro macramé ed una luminose meduse micro macramé ed altri magici pezzi fatti a mano al 100%.
Questa collezione ho creato per le coppie giovane chi vogliono dire di SÍ solo di due, insieme con momenti secreti al loro matrimonio di "elopment" al mare Italiano.
I nomi degli abiti hanno i nomi delle destinazioni marini Italiani - che da l'ispirazione e l'idea per le spose di dove possono indossare loro abito da sposa di macramé e poi di dove loro possono avere un matrimonio "elopement" in Italia.
"Immergiti nella nuova collezione DADO e lascia che i meravigliosi abiti annodati ispirati al grande blu ti portino alla scoperta nel mare infinito dell'amore."
Confida nella profonditá dell'amore anche durante una tempesta violenta sdraiati sulle onde per momenti belli ed edificanti.
Di' di sí e nuota felice nel tuo vestito di schiuma di mare!
Concept: @dalma_denes | Dresses: DADO @macramewonders | Videography: @miabate | Teaser Photos: @anettasiffer | BFS Extra Photography: @juditszatai & @f_r_i_d_a | Runway Photos: @daniel_storyteller | Product Photos: @dalma_denes | Dancer & Model: Emma Béky | Teaser Model: Evelin Szabados |
Event: Bridal Fashion Show | Venue: Corinthia Hotel Budapest | Event Planner: Réka Sipos ; Wedding for You Hungary
the story of the collection (ENG)
AMARE is an Italian word wich means "to love someone" but when you watch it deeper • you can find MARE also in it, which means the beautiful sea.
This is why we can say: LOVE IS LIKE THE SEA.
Passionate, romantic, sometimes stormy, intense but endless!
The collection title and the dresses inspired by this metaphor and real Italian seaside destinations.
Patterns evoking waves • Unique hand painted sea colored tulle strings • Gold, silver, turquise sets reflecting the sea sparkling sunlight • Macrame mermaid dress knotted with a fishnet pattern • Bridal maxi decorated with micro macrame sea animals and a luminous micro macrame jellyfish as accessory.
"Immerse yourself in DADO's new collection and let the wonderful knotted dresses inspired by the great blue drift you along on the endless sea of love."
Trust in the depth of love even during a raging storm, lie on the waves for beautiful, uplifting moments.
Say YES and swim in happiness in your sea foam dress.
This collection is created for those young couples who would like to say the big yes "in two - together" with hidden moments on their elopement wedding by the Italian sea.
The dresses have the names of Italian seaside destinations - what give inspiration & idea to the bride where she can wear her macrame bridal dress and where they can have elopement wedding in Italy.
Concept: @dalma_denes | Dresses: DADO @macramewonders | Videography: @miabate | Teaser Photos: @anettasiffer | BFS Extra Photography: @juditszatai & @f_r_i_d_a | Runway Photos: @daniel_storyteller | Product Photos: @dalma_denes | Dancer & Model: Emma Béky | Teaser Model: Evelin Szabados |
Event: Bridal Fashion Show | Venue: Corinthia Hotel Budapest | Event Planner: Réka Sipos ; Wedding for You Hungary
A kollekció története (HU)
A új 2024-es kollekció az AMARE címet kapta, ami olaszul annyit jelent: „SZERETNI”… DE ha jobban a mélyére nézünk – felfedezhetjük benne a MARE vagy "TENGER" szót is.
"Nem véletlenül mondják hát, hogy: A szerelem olyan, mint a tenger…"
Az AMARE kollekció név és a kollekció darabjai ezt a metaforát tükrözik.
Hullámokat idéző macrame mintázatok ● Egyedileg, kézzel festett, batikolt tüll szálak és fonalruha ● Napfényben szikrázó tengert tükröző arany, ezüst, türkiz alkalmi szettek ● Halászhálóra hajazó mintázattal csomózott menyasszonyi sellőruha ● Mikro makramézott tengeri állatokkal díszített maxi bridal ruha ● Világító mikro makramé medúza és egyéb varázslatos, 100%-ban kézzel készített darabokból áll az új 2024-es AMARE macrame menyasszonyi és alkalmi kollekció, amit több 1000 csomóból alkottam meg és amelyhez ezúttal az alsószetteket is én magam varrtam.
A DADO 2024-ben arra bátorítja az esküvőjüket tervező párokat: szökjenek meg a tengerhez, szóljon a nagy nap tényleg csak Róluk és kössék össze kettesben életüket!
„Merülj el a DADO új kollekciójában és hagyd, hogy a nagy kékség ihlette csomózott csodaruhák magukkal sodorjanak a szerelem végtelen tengerén. Háborgó vihar idején is bízz a szeretet mélységében, feküdj fel a hullámokra a gyönyörű, felemelő pillanatokért!"
Mondj Igent és ússz a boldogságban tengerhabos fonalruhádban!
Concept: @dalma_denes | Dresses: DADO @macramewonders | Videography: @miabate | Teaser Photos: @anettasiffer | BFS Extra Photography: @juditszatai & @f_r_i_d_a | Runway Photos: @daniel_storyteller | Product Photos: @dalma_denes | Dancer & Model: Emma Béky | Teaser Model: Evelin Szabados |
Event: Bridal Fashion Show | Venue: Corinthia Hotel Budapest | Event Planner: Réka Sipos ; Wedding for You Hungary
shop the limited products
AMARE event macrame dress design • gift card
AMARE collection gift card
CANCRO macrame cloth badge
PESCE macrame cloth badge
BARI macrame top
PORTOFINO sequin palazzo
BARI party outfit
GROTTA AZZURRA macrame top
GROTTA AZZURRA macrame outfit
MONTEROSSO macrame event dress
CAGLIARI macrame top
SANREMO gold underdress
SANREMO macrame event dress
Watch the Bridal Fashion Show Moments
Thousands of knots, thousands meters of yarns, hand painted tulle strings; long workhours and a mesmerizing sea inspired wavy & shiny collection premier at V. Bridal Fashion Show Budapest.
backstage moments
hank you everything for my Bridal Fashion Show backstage team! I can't enough grateful for those who support my dreams!!! Watch our backstage gallery and even the fantastic backstage videos!

extra shoots with the beautiful dancer • Emma Béky

watch the amare teaser video again
reative teaser video & photos featured by Bate Digital Media & Anetta Siffer with a projector & special technique. You can see the sea and the waves on the macrame dress & our model, Evelin Szabados. This short video was the promotion of the AMARE collection but what is more Mia Bate & Anetta Siffer created the shoot in another context also to their dreamy creative project.